High Quality Mechanical Services
Since 2002 we have gained an excellent reputation for providing clients with an extremely high standard of workmanship alongside prices that everyone finds agreeable.


Skinners School
Construction of a new three storey classroom building on an existing school site.

Rye Discovery Centre
Demolition of existing and creation of a new single storey community space.

Boughton Golf Club
Creation of a new 3 storey hotel consisting of 40 rooms.
Our portfolio boasts projects as diverse as School Installations, Church Refurbishments, Car Showrooms, and High-Spec Residential housing, all of which have been expertly constructed by our team of in-house fitters.

Skinners School
Mechanical Contract Value: £330,000
The construction of a new three storey classroom building on an existing school site. The new building incorporates a Sixth form centre, 5 No. classrooms, a Library, Head of sixth form Office, English Office, a Conference Room and toilet accommodation.
Scope of work:
Incoming gas and water services
New automatic controls system,
New heating and hot water services plant
Natural and mechanical ventilation and air conditioning
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Rye Discovery Centre
Mechanical Contract Value: £115,000
The works consisted of the demolition of the existing and creation of a new single storey community space housing training, education and meeting rooms alongside a café, retail, exhibition and information areas.
Scope of work:
LTHW Heating
Cooling installation
Domestic water services
Above Ground Drainage
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Boughton Golf Club
Mechanical Contract Value: £300,000
Creation of a new 3 storey hotel consisting of 40 rooms
Scope of work:
Automatic Controls
New LTHW and domestic hot and cold water installation
Incoming gas and water services
Above ground drainage
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Our Services
At DWHP Ltd we offer a wide range of high quality mechanical services. Please find below the complete list of services available, or click the links to the left to directly access the area you require.

At DWHP we can design a tailor-made mechanical building services’ system to suit all needs.
Whether you’re looking at a large domestic installation, or perhaps a more commercial or industrial project, we can provide you with the service you need to get the system you want.
DWHP can offer design and installation of all the above heating products.
Our works have taken us far and wide where we have been employed as contractors to install systems such as Under-Floor Heating, conventional Radiator Heating, Gas-Fired Air Heaters, Radiant Tube Heaters, and many more.

DWHP has vast experience in all plumbing systems. We design, advise and install all water services and associated plant. From large 1000ltr hot water cylinders to small 10ltr point of use water heaters we have the flexibility to install the correctly sized model for each project.
Air Conditioning
At DWHP we install all major brands of Air conditioning and heat pumps.
Air conditioning allows the end user the freedom to choose which atmosphere they feel most comfortable in. A choice can be made between Heating, Cooling, Automatic changeover, De-humidifying, and Fan-Only operations. A range of temperatures can be selected, typically between 17-32°C.

Ventilation is a rapidly growing industry, with people wanting stale or fowl smelling air removed from their environment. New regulations are pushing the need for energy efficient ventilation systems that can extract such air while not removing valuable heat from within the building.

Solar Technology
Solar panels, or collectors, are a way of harnessing the energy from the sun and using it to produce ‘free’ heat for hot water storage cylinders.
Generally installed on roof tops, these systems will sense when the temperature of the panel is greater than that of the hot water cylinder. This then starts the circulating pump, passing heat transfer fluid through the panel and allowing it to pick up the additional heat. The fluid is then pumped down through a heating coil within the cylinder, which warms up the water stored within.
This process is very cost effective once installed, as the only running cost is a small electrical supply to the circulating pump.
At DWHP we can design and install such a system to suit your requirements.

DWHP is also registered with F-GAS and the Environment Agency as an authorized de-commissioning specialist. This allows us to re-claim and safely dispose of all old refrigerant gas types, along with provide relevant documentation as proof of their proper disposal.
From small domestic refrigerators to large multi-zoned air conditioning systems, we can make them safe for demolition or strip out purposes.

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The Highest Quality Mechanical Services
At DWHP Ltd we offer a wide range of high quality mechanical services. Click the button below now to get in touch and see how we can help you.