Skinners School
Mechanical Contract Value: £330,000
The construction of a new three storey classroom building on an existing school site. The new building incorporates a Sixth form centre, 5 No. classrooms, a Library, Head of sixth form Office, English Office, a Conference Room and toilet accommodation.
Scope of work:
Incoming gas and water services
New automatic controls system,
New heating and hot water services plant
Natural and mechanical ventilation and air conditioning

Rye Discovery Centre
Mechanical Contract Value: £115,000
The works consisted of the demolition of the existing and creation of a new single storey community space housing training, education and meeting rooms alongside a café, retail, exhibition and information areas.
Scope of work:
LTHW Heating
Cooling installation
Domestic water services
Above Ground Drainage

Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys, New teaching Block, Sports Block and Dining Hall
Mechanical Contract Value: £850,000
This project involved the development of a new build teaching block and Sports Block and the refurbishment of an existing sports hall to increase existing dining facilities within the main building.
The new teaching block comprises of general teaching spaces, specialist teaching spaces, staff room, comms room, stores, plant space, toilets and hygiene rooms.
The sports block comprises of a main sports hall with 5No courts, changing rooms, toilets, staff office, general classrooms, ancillary support rooms, hub room, circulation and plant areas.
Scope of work:
Automatic Controls
New LTHW and domestic hot and cold water installation
Incoming gas and water services
Above ground drainage
Natural and mechanical ventilation and air conditioning

St Gregory’s School
Mechanical Contract Value: £520,000
The sports block comprises of a main sports hall, changing rooms, toilets, staff office, circulation and plant areas.
The dining hall works involved the extension and refurbishment of the existing building.
Scope of work:
Automatic Controls
New LTHW and domestic hot and cold water installation
Incoming gas and water services
Above ground drainage
Natural and mechanical ventilation and air conditioning

Boughton Golf Club
Mechanical Contract Value: £300,000
Creation of a new 3 storey hotel consisting of 40 rooms
Scope of work:
Automatic Controls
New LTHW and domestic hot and cold water installation
Incoming gas and water services
Above ground drainage

Bennett memorial School
Mechanical Contract Value: £850,000
The creation of a new two storey teaching block and the refurbishment of an existing science block and existing kitchen.
Scope of work:
Automatic Controls
New LTHW and domestic hot and cold water installation
Incoming gas and water services
Above ground drainage
Natural and mechanical ventilation and air conditioning

Tonbridge School, New Science Centre
Mechanical Contract Value: £760,000.00
Project entails the refurbishment and new-build extension to the existing Science block located at the Tonbridge School. This project is the latest in a long line of prestigious works we’ve undertaken for this particular Building company, and is a great reminder that over 65 of our workload comes from repeat business.
Scope of work:
Complete plant room installation
Wet heating system including underfloor heating, radiators and over door heaters
Direct ducted extract ventilation
Domestic hot and cold water services including drainage
Bespoke user-friendly controls package

Orchard Way Primary School
Mechanical Contract Value: £250,000
Refurbishment of the existing plant room and heating services within the existing school building.
Scope of work:
Upgrade radiators, valves and pipework throughout school.
Install new heating plant with associated BMS controls
It takes just 10 seconds!

Norbury Manor Primary School
Mechanical Contract Value: £110,000
Upgrade of the existing heating services within the existing building during the summer half term period
Scope of work:
Replace existing radiators, pipework etc with new.

Gresham primary School
Mechanical Contract Value: £130,000
Refurbishment of LTHW heating plant room plant and equipment
Scope of work:
Automatic controls
LTHW systems, flush, test and commission

Marden Hockey & Cricket Club
Mechanical Contract Value: £130,000
New two storey changing facility for the Hockey and Cricket club
Scope of work:
LTHW Heating, including GSHP installation.
Domestic hot and cold boosted services
Above ground drainage.
A/C and ventilation by others.

Alderstead Heath, Changing block refurbishment
Mechanical Contract Value: £170,000
Refurbishment of the ‘Upper’ and ‘Lower’ Changing blocks for the Alderstead Heath Caravan Club.
Scope of work:
Renew the LTHW and domestic services plant, above ground drainage and controls installation.

Tonbridge School, Vere Hodge
Mechanical Contract Value: £190,000
The works consisted of the strip out of the existing heating and hot water plant and replacement with new to serve the art and theatre blocks.
Scope of work:
Automatic controls
LTHW heating plan
Domestic hot water plant

White Barn, Marden
Mechanical Contract Value: £65,000
High quality refurbishment and extension works to an existing Grade II Listed residential barn
Scope of work:
Provide new LTHW heating and domestics hot and cold services.
Above ground drainage and commissioning works completed by DWHP

Tangley Mere, Guildford
Mechanical Contract Value: £150,000
The project consisted of the complete refurbishment of the main house building, including a soft strip out of selected finishes throughout. A standalone ‘Annex’ unit has been created within the main house
Scope of work:
Installation of Above Ground Drainage
Installation of Hot and cold water services
Installation of LTHW heating system
Installation of Extract ventilation system
Gas installation
Testing and Commissioning

Sea Gem, Camber Sands
Mechanical Contract Value: £140,000
The project was to create an award winning new-build exclusive holiday rental consisting of a range of amenities including four bedrooms with en-suite facilities, sun decks, double garage, games room and roof terraces with sea views. The garden consists of mixed level decking, a barbeque pit and large area for seating and entertaining.
Scope of work:
Mechanical Ventilation
VRF installation
LTHW inc Air Source heat pump
Domestic hot and cold services
Above ground drainage and automatic controls
It takes just 10 seconds!

St Martin’s Church, Eynesford
Mechanical Contract Value: £38,000
Refurbishment of the existing church
Scope of work:
Renew LTHW services including new UFH and radiator installation with associated controls

St Johns Church, Penshurst
Mechanical Contract Value: £20,000
Refurbishment of the existing church
Scope of work:
Renew LTHW services including new radiator installation with associated controls.
Local hot water heating and above ground drainage works completed

Brook House
Mechanical Contract Value: £720,000.00
At the time, Brook House was the largest project undertaken by DWHP. Located in the London Borough of Haringey, this new-build primary school allowed us to prove that we were capable of handling larger scale mechanical installations. Completed within budget, and well within programme, Brook House remains one of our most successful projects.
Scope of work:
- Plate heat exchanger supplied by a central boiler room
- Wet underfloor heating system throughout
- Domestic hot and cold water services including drainage
- Heat recovery ventilation to all classrooms/offices
- Direct ducted extract ventilation to WC’s
- Air conditioning to IT/server room
- Bespoke user friendly controls package

Becket Keys – The Welby Building
Mechanical Contract Value: £260,000.00
The creation of a new-build, two-storey extension at an existing school, Becket Keys stands as testament to the incredible work ethic of our in-house technicians. Despite the extent of the works required within the short programme allotted, we were able to turn the mechanical installation around within the time-frame expected, whilst maintaining our trademark standards of quality.
Scope of work:
- Complete plant room installation split over 3 floors
- Wet underfloor heating system throughout
- Domestic hot and cold water services including drainage
- Direct ducted extract ventilation to WC’s and 2no teaching areas utilising automatic constant volume dampers
- Natural ventilation to 1st and 2nd floor classrooms
- Internal rain water down services
- Bespoke TREND control package

Croydon Council: Beckmead SEN School
Mechanical Contract Value: £200,000.00
DWHP acted as contractors on this project, having been tasked with the design and implementation of a complete heating system renewal at this SEN school. The entire design of the new system was controlled by ourselves, from the plant to the layout of the pipework, and we successfully completed the installation across the entire school within the short summer break.
Scope of work:
Plant room installation
- Complete new radiator heating installation
- Bespoke user-friendly TREND controls package

Charlwood sports Pavilion
Mechanical Contract Value: £100,000
New building comprising of two changing suites for home and away teams complete with showers, toilets, lockers, benches and kit hooks. Separate changing facilities for officials such as referees and linesmen. A community room with a modern equipped kitchen. An archive room for parish records and artefacts and storage facilities for the sports clubs and groundsman
Scope of work:
Installation of new Foul Drainage above Ground services
Domestic Hot and Cold Water Services installatio
Natural Gas Installation
New Heating System
Mechanical ventilation systems
Mechanical controls installation
Testing and commissioning and Chlorination

Nightingale House
Mechanical Contract Value: £270,000.00
Nightingale house is one of London’s specialist care-homes, and this project saw us undertaking a large-scale restoration to one of the floors. Despite being beset by issues outside of our control for the duration of the works, our ability to adapt and react quickly to change resulted in an outstanding result that fully met the client’s expectations.
The Highest Quality Mechanical Services
At DWHP Ltd we offer a wide range of high quality mechanical services. Click the button below now to get in touch and see how we can help you.